Supporting Award-Winning Performance



A consumer goods company sought to create a negotiation skills curriculum for its large, global sales force.


As its customers consolidated and became more confrontational at the negotiating table, a Fortune 500 consumer goods company wanted to upskill and unify its global sales force (25000+) around a robust model of negotiation.


After conducting a rapid negotiations audit, we designed and delivered a highly tailored workshop for more than 100 global leaders of the sales force, including the SVP. We then trained the company’s trainers to deliver a more basic version of the workshop. Finally, we helped their learning function to develop an internal three-course negotiation curriculum with tailored slides, simulations, and brief films that reflected difficult and highly realistic negotiation challenges.


The training program was rolled out globally by internal trainers, with great success and at far lower costs than had been anticipated. The materials and films were used for negotiation training but also for related courses. Individual teams in key markets negotiated in new, more creative ways with large customers, yielding positive results.


Coaching Through A Turnaround


Going, Going… Won